Batch operations

Update multiple Leads in one go.

The Lead & Accounts report includes a feature which allows you to modify multiple Leads in one 'job' or batch-operation.

Simply (a) make your selection using the filters and date-range selector, (b) select an action and (c) start the Batch job.

Available Actions

We currently support the following actions:

  • Add Lead Tag(s)

  • Remove Lead Tag(s)

  • Add to LeadBoard (or change stage)

  • Delete from LeadBoard

How to start a Batch Operation

This is how to set-up a batch Operation:

  1. Login to your LeadBoxer account

  2. Select the correct dataset

  3. Make your selection:

    1. Select the correct date-range

    2. Apply filters

    3. Click the Batch button

    4. Click the 'select all' checkbox

  4. Choose your Action or Operation

  5. Start

Depending on the action type, list size and number of leads in your account , it might take a few minutes to batch process all the changes.

Batch Jobs Overview

Once you have started a Batch Job, you can follow the progress of batch operations and the history in the Batch Jobs overview.

On the Batch Jobs overview you can see the current jobs, and the history of jobs run in the last 30 days.

Last updated