Cold outbound email campaigns

Turn your cold outbound email campaign into a success using these 4 steps

  1. Prepare your email campaign

  2. Plan your qualification Workflow

  3. Implement workflow in LeadBoxer

  4. Deploy your campaign

Detailed step-by-step guide to setup your cold outbound email campaign workflow

Preparations outside of LeadBoxer

  1. Define Goal of campaign (example: get more sales calls)

  2. Define Target Audience (industry, size, location);

    1. Find target companies (generate a list of companies to contact / target)

    2. Find persons (from the list of companies, generate a list of the correct person(s), based on title /role)

    3. Find emails ( generate a list of contact email addresses)

  3. Design the campaign (emails, copy, interval, landing pages, CTA)

  4. Build the campaign in email platform

Preparations for LeadBoxer (needed to build workflow in Leadboxer)

  1. Define the stages your leads go through in order to become Opportunities

  2. Create a list of key events that can be measured and map these to each stage. Another way of thinking of stages is column names on a pipeline which read from left to right. For example:

    1. Discovery: Recipients engage with your landing page and browse your site (blog, fact-sheet, pdf download)

    2. Interest: Recipients show buyer intent (sign up, create account, book a demo, join a webinar)

    3. Intent: Recipients convert to opportunities (schedule call with Sales)

  3. Define the End Action (handover) for qualified opportunities. How do you want to hand the opportunity over to sales? Options are:

    1. Send daily or weekly overview notifications (email, CSV) to sales person or team

    2. Assign an individual lead to a sales colleague and send a notification

    3. Sync to CRM

  4. Define cleanup workflow, when do you want qualified leads to disappear from the board. (Coming Soon)

Setting up the workflow in LeadBoxer (this work is done in Leadboxer)

  1. Create a new LeadBoard and add the stages (columns) from Step 1

  2. Add workflow automations, to:

    1. map the behavioural events you defined in Step 2 to the corresponding stages you defined in Step 1

    2. add tags for easy visual recognition (optional)

    3. Define the End Action

    4. Define cleanup workflow (Coming Soon)

  3. Create Segments for each important stage using the LeadBoard stage filter

Launch Campaign

  1. Important: add LeadBoxer tracking and click-thru technology

  2. Start sending emails

Expected Results

  1. Recipients begin opening emails. The automation will insert these in the first stage of the LeadBoard

  2. Recipients who click on the CTA inside the email and land on your website will automatically be moved to the second stage

  3. Once identified on the website, their behaviour is tracked (including future visits) and when they perform a defined key event the automation will move them to the next stage. Depending on your designed workflow, this process repeats until Leads are qualified.

  4. Once Leads are qualified (aka opportunities) the End Action is triggered

  5. After end action, the cleanup process takes place (coming soon)

  6. Create or auto receive Reports from the defined Segments to monitor ongoing campaigns and report to all stakeholders

Last updated