
How to track email opens and clickthroughs from

To track mail open/reads, you need to add the tracking pixel to your campaigns or templates.

Here are the steps needed for adding a tracking pixel:

  1. go to your campaigns

  2. edit your campaign content or template

  3. Add a 'code' block at the bottom of your email

  4. paste in your email tracking pixel at the

<img src="{$email}"/>

Important: You will need to customize above code:

  • Change datasetId to reflect yours

  • Change the campaign value to reflect the email title or campaign name

  • you can add other custom variables as parameters (eg &firstName={$first_name} if you have them

Track clicks and identify prospects on your site

To track email clicks, you need to append the links to your site and to include these parameters


Tip: You can also add other custom fields as parameters

example URL{$email}&companyName={{companyName}}

For more details see this page:

Last updated