Narrowing down the results
When you’ve loaded the LeadBoxer Leads view, you can search and filter your leads. Leadboxer Searching and applying filters each have their own characteristics.
Setting up filters allows you to search very specifically. For instance, you can set up a filter that only shows Dutch companies in the consumer electronics industry that have visited your website in the past 48 hours. The different filter operators also allow you to use search operators, like ‘is’, ‘does not contain’, or ‘has any value’. In addition, filters can be saved into Segments; this allows you to instantly apply any pre-set filter to your list of leads.
Using filters
The Leadboxer filter allows you to apply criteria to your search. There are three components to each criterion: the category, the operator, and the value. You can enable filters in more than 10 different categories, like company name or city. For each category you select an operator and filter. When using filters, simply choose the filters, operators, and terms of your choice and press ‘apply’ (to search instantly) or ‘save’ (to save the filter into a Segment).
The Leadboxer interface offers multiple filters. For each filter you can set a parameter based on a filter operator (see below).
Company name
Filter by company name. Tip: select ‘contains any value’ from the operators list, and the filter will only return leads with identified company names!
Select to show, contacts, Companies, unidentified and/or hidden
Lead Tags
Filter by tag
Filter by lead owner
Filter on leadboard presence and what stage
Filter if results match the selected List
In order to search through your leads, simply enter a search string in the search field. The search filter will check all contents of the leads, so not only the company name. For instance, if you type in ‘coffee’ this will result in all company names that contain coffee, like ‘Johnny’s Coffee’. However, if the company’s description contains a sentence like ‘why not drop by for a cup of coffee’, this will also pop up in the search results. You can use advanced operators such as quotes, AND, OR, brackets, etc.
Filter by industry. Industry type is based on the LinkedIn industry types. The industry type search field features a drop-down menu so you can easily select the industry you’re looking for.
Employee Count
1-10 employees
11-50 employees
51-200 employees
201-500 employees
501-1000 employees
1001-5000 employees
5001-10,000 employees
10,001+ employees
Organization Country
Filter by country of the Organization
Organization Region
Filter by region of the Organization
Organization City
Filter by city of the Organization
UTM Tags
UTM tags allow you to search for all leads that have been referred to your website by a specific campaign. For instance, this allows you to search all leads that were directed to your website from a Google paid search, Facebook campaign or emailing.
Each time a lead visits your website, this counts as a visit. Leadboxer will count a new visit after at least thirty minutes of absence, so if a visitor leaves and returns within 30 minutes this still counts as one.
Page Views
Each time a visitor goes to a different page on your website this counts as a page view. If a visitor goes to your website, and visits three pages in total, this counts as one visit with three page views.
Filter for a specific page or email
Last Seen
The time and date that a lead has last visited your website.
Filter on the marketing channel the lead used to enter your site.
Filter on the referrer the lead used to enter your site.
Exit Link
Filter on the exit link the lead used to leave your site.
Custom fields
Filter on the custom properties or fields
Filter on a minimum or maximum Leadscore
from email
filter on the senders email address (visible for tracked emails send by Gmail or Outlook)
SBI code
Filter on NL company code
For each filter you can select a filter operator. Not all operators are available for each filter. Each operator works as follows:
Results will be [value]. Use this filter if you want to search for an exact value. For instance, if you want to look for all leads from a company called ‘XYZ’, the filter will return values with company name ‘XYZ’ only.
Is not
Results will not be [value]. Use this filter if you want to exclude a specific value. For instance, if you want to exclude all leads from Amsterdam, use the filter City > Is not ‘Amsterdam’.
Results will contain [value]. Use this filter if you want the results to return all leads containing the value. For instance, if you use the filter Company name > Contains ‘lead’, this will return all company names containing ‘lead’, like leadboxer, xlead, or zleady.
Does not contain
Results will not contain [value]. Use this filter if you want to exclude all leads containing this value. This is different from the ‘is not’ operator - ‘is not’ will only exclude exact values whereas ‘does not contain’ excludes all results containing the value.
Is unknown
Results will only show unknown values. This option can be used if you only want leads from unknown companies ???
Has any value
Results will only show known values. By using this filter option, results will only return leads with a value for a specific parameter, for instance known company name or known region.
Greater than
Numerical - Filter will return results greater than parameter value. This filter option may be used for instance if you want to search for leads that have visited your website more than 3 times in total.
Less than
Numerical - Filter will return results less than parameter value. This filter option may be used for instance if you want to search for leads that have visited your website more than 3 times in total.
Numerical - Filter will return results between two parameter values.
Not between
Numerical - Filter will return all results except those between the two parameter values.
Automated e-mail notifications
In the Leadboxer interface, you also have the option to configure automated e-mail updates. You can configure automated e-mail updates separately for each Segment. In order to do so, check this tutorial:
How to create a notificationLast updated
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