Visualize your data
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Visualize your data
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The Reports feature is a summary overview of all data we have collected for a certain period.
Reports can be customized using 'blocks'. Each block is a subset of your data, we currently support the following blocks:
Industry & Size
Top Accounts
Top Events (coming soon)
Top Campaigns (coming soon)
LeadBoard Analytics (coming later this year)
This graph allows you to see the Daily history or trend of your audience, and has the following features:
Select from Visitors, Leads, Accounts, Contacts or Events
Open the filters panel to select any of your Segments
Switch between bar and line charts
Enable / disable comparison metrics for the 'period before'
Hover over chart to see Daily actual values
Use this chart and graph to get insights into the geographical locations of your users. Features include:
Choose from Countries, Regions, Cities, Continents, Sub-continents or Sales Regions
Clicking on the in-chart bars allows you to:
Slice or zoom in to Country, Region or City
Apply the location filter and see Leads and Accounts per area
Using the map chart to zoom in, by scrolling your mouse-wheel
See what type of audience you are interacting with, find out if you're targeting the right companies.
Features include:
Industry Group chart: Individual companies grouped by the LinkedIn Industry definitions
Detailed Industry chart: Each and every industry ranked
Organization size chart: Based on employee count; see a breakdown of your audience
Clicking on the in-chart bars allows you to:
Apply the industry or size filter and see the actual Leads and Accounts from that group
Slice the report to only include this industry or size
Find out what companies are your top engagers. Features include:
Sort on each column
Filter on each column
Double-Clicking on a row will take you to the individual Leads from that Account
You can select any of your Segments under the Filters menu, and graphs, charts, and tables will visualize this subset of your data.
Use the date-range selector to select your period.
Use the Report setting to list, create or modify your Reports
Settings you can modify:
Change Name and Decription
Set Ownership (only owners and admins can make changes)
Set scheduling, for weekly or monthly delevery
Change the Blocks (elements) on your report. you can enable disable the various blocks and also change the order.
Delete the Reports (you own)
Download your reports by clicking the “Export as PDF” button. This will generate a PDF version of the current report in the background. Once it’s ready, we’ll send you an email with a download link.
The downloaded report can be customized by adjusting the settings you apply on the screen. These settings will also reflect in the PDF, including:
Selected Segment
Selected Date Range
Chart Type (Engagement block)
Compare with Previous Version (Engagement block)
Due to some technical limitations we currently do not support the map feature (yet).
We also have limited the demographic details to Country and Sub-continent. Please let us know if you need other options.
Segmentations that have been applied inside the Report are currently not supported in the PDF version. To apply additional filters, start by creating a segment and then select it as your starting point.
Using the scheduling feature, you can automatically create PDF reports delivered to your inbox either weekly or monthly.
Click the dropdown icon next to the 'Export as PDF" button and create a new scheduled Reports.
Choose to receive the Report either weekly or monthly, and select your recipients.
Note: Recipients need to be added to your account as Users before you can select these for a scheduled report.
Once a Report has been scheduled, the dropdown allows you to check the scheduling details or modify the settings.
If you are not the owner of a report and choose to set up a schedule, we will create a copy of the report in the background and make you the owner.