
Visualize your data

The Reports feature is a summary overview of all data we have collected in a certain period.


Reports can be customized using 'blocks'. Each block is a subset of your data, we currently support these blocks.

  • Engagement

  • Demographics

  • Industry & Size

  • Top Accounts

  • Top Events (coming soon)

  • Top Campaigns (coming soon)

  • LeadBoard Analytics (coming later this year)

The Engagement Block

This graph allows you to see the daily history or trend of your audience, and has the following features:

  • Select either Visitors, Leads, Accounts, Contacts or Events

  • Open the filters pannel to select any of your Segments.

  • Switch between bar and line chart

  • Enable / disable comparison metrics for the period before

  • hover to the chart to see actual values for that day.

The Demographics Block

Use this chart and graph to get insights into the geographical location of your users. Features include:

  • Choose from Countries, Regions, Cities, Continents, Sub-continents or Sales Regions

  • Clicking on the bars on the chart allows you to:

    • Slice or zoom in to country, region or city

    • Apply the location filter and see the Leads and Accounts from that area

  • Using the map chart to zoom in, by scrolling your mouse-wheel

The Industry and Size Block

See what kind of audience you are interacting with, and find out if you targeting the right companies.

Features include:

  • Industry Group chart: Individual companies grouped by the LinkedIn Industry definitions

  • Detailed Industry chart: Each and every industry ranked

  • Organization size chart: Based on employee count, see a breakdown of your audience

  • Clicking on the bars on the chart allows you to:

    • Apply the industry or size filter and see the actual Leads and Accounts from that group

    • Slice or the report to only include this industry or size

Top Accounts Block

Find out what companies are your top engagers. Features include:

  • Sort on each column

  • Filter or each column

  • Double-Clicking on a row will take you to the individual Leads from that Account

Generic features

Report on your Segments

You can select any of your Segments in under Filters button / menu and the graphs and chart and tables will visualize this subset of your data.

Date range

Use the date-range selector to select your period.

Last updated