
What is a segment?

In Leadboxer, you can save any combination of filters into a so-called ‘segment’. Segments allow you to save one or multiple filters and access it at any time. You can save segments, edit or duplicate them, or even send emails containing your segments or share them with colleagues.

Your leadboard contains one or two default segments:

  1. Top leads: This segment filters out all leads without a known company name - easily allowing you to filter out the unidentified companies.

  2. Target Audience: If your account was created after Januari 2023, you will have this Segment and is will be set with the values you defined during on-boarding: Industry, size and Country.

Use Filters to create Segments.

Segments have several functions:

  • To save as a combination of filters for easy access from the Segment drop-down menu.

  • Share your Segments with team-members/ colleagues.

  • As a start point for notifications - see this article on setting up (email) alerts.

  • As a start point for Lead Management in your LeadBoard

If you would like to learn how to create your (first) segment use this tutorial:

Creating your first Segment

Saving segments

Once you have created or applied a filter, you have the option to save the selection as a Segment.

Go to the bottom left corner of your screen and find the option ‘save’. This will bring up the Create Segment window to guide you through the 3 easy steps.

  1. Here you will have the option to name your segment, but you can also set it to ‘private’ or ‘public’ (whether or not other users will have your segments available to them).

  2. Set Notification: Choose if you wish to receive or send notifications when new Leads match the criteria of your Segment. If so, you can set format, interval, recipients, etc.

  3. Review and save.

Using segments

Whenever you are looking at your Leads & Accounts, you can find the dropdown menu for segments below the Quick Segments list under the Filter pannel. Simply click on the Filter button and pannel will appear where you can select the segment you or your colleagues have made.

Quick Segments

To make life easy, we have added something we call Quick Segments. It is a list of pre-defined Segments that enable you to quickly filter your data to often seen use-cases.

  • Persons Only: Show identified contacts (from email, forms, etc)

  • Organizations Only: Show Identified Organizations with NO identified contacts

  • Paid Leads: Show leads that came in through add campaigns (channel = paid)

  • Organic Leads: Show Leads that came in organically

  • Form Submissions: Show leads that were came in through a form submission

  • Web visitors: Show leads that have had at least 1 website visit

Segments Overview

The Segment overview screen gives you a complete overview of all your segments. Here you can edit, duplicate, delete and change ownership of all your segments. The Admin of the account can see all Segments.

Editing segments

To edit a previous saved segment, you can do this from the segment overview. There you can edit, duplicate and delete segments, When you click to edit a segment, this will take you to the leads view with the filters automatically loaded into the filter pannel, allowing you to view your filters but also edit them. When you press ‘save’ now, this will show the Create Segment screen where you can make modifications.

You also have the option to delete your segments. Simply select the delete option and confirm. Be careful - there’s no going back from deleting a segment!

If you would like to learn how to create your (first) segments see a tutorial below.

Creating your first Segment


You can (as an Admin) change ownership for all segments in your account. This is useful if you want to create or modify segments for your colleagues or clients

Last updated